Iowa Sheep Continual Learning Opportunities

The Iowa Sheep Industry Association (ISIA) wants to help you learn about commercial sheep production!

Through funding from the Iowa Sheep and Wool Promotion Board, the ISIA provides scholarships for new and existing sheep producers to pay for sheep related field days, classes, webinars, etc. in 2021. To apply for this opportunity, you can fill out an application.  The applications will be rated, and scholarships will be awarded based on the quality of application.  The funds will be sent to the awardees following the completion of the proposed sheep learning activity. Funding is limited, so be sure to apply early!

Iowa Sheep Continual Learning Scholarship Application

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • Funds will be transferred upon copies of registration and completion of the activity.
    • Depending on the level of interest this could be full compensation or partial.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.